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Isildur Page 42

  Ethir Lefnui — “Mouths of Lefnui”, a city at the mouth of the river Lefnui in Anfalas

  Ethring — A town on the river Ringlo in Lebennin

  Evenstar — planet Venus as evening star, see Eärendil

  Faithful, the — See Elendili

  Fangorn — Forest between Lothlórien and Calenardhon

  Faramir — Thirty-fifth Thain of the Shire, he had a copy made of the Red Book

  Fëanor — “Spirit of Fire”, true name Curufinwë, the leader of the Noldorin rebellion, he made the silmarilli

  Findegil — The writer of King Eldarion II of Gondor

  Firstborn, the — See Eldar

  Fleetfoot — Isildur's war charger

  Flói — Father of Frár the Dwarf

  Followers, the — See Atani

  Foradan — “Northman”, soldier of Pelargir

  Forithilien — “North Ithilien”, north of Minas Ithil

  Fornen — “Northern Water”, one of the Elders of the Eredrim

  Fornoch — Valley in the southern Ered Nimrais

  Fornost — “Northern Fortress”, a city of Arnor

  Frár — Dwarf of Khazad-dûm who joined Isildur

  Frodo — “Nine-fingered”, Bilbo's nephew, Ringbearer

  Galadriel — Queen of Lothlórien, bearer of Nenya

  Galadrim — “People of the Trees”, the people of Lothlórien

  Galathilion — The White Tree of Tirion, the image of Telperion

  Galdor — One of Galadriel's boatsteerers

  Gandalf — One of the Istari, or wizards, also called Mithrandir, Greyhame

  Gil-galad — “Star or Radiance”, King of Lindon and all the Noldor, true name Ereinion

  Gildor — “Starland”, Elf of Lindon, also called Inglorion

  Gilrain — A river in Lebennin

  Gilrondil — Cirdan's sailing master

  Gilthoniel — See Elbereth

  Gladden — River and fields at the confluence with Anduin, also called Loeg Ningloron

  Glamrod — Keeper of the stables in Pelargir

  Gondolin — “Hidden Rock”, hidden Elvish city of Turgon, also called Ondolindë

  Gondor — “Stone Land”, southern kingdom of the Realms in Exile, capital Osgiliath

  Gondorrim — The people of Gondor

  Gordrog — Orc of the bridge garrison in East Osgiliath

  Gorgoroth — “Dreaded Horror”, a plain in central Mordor

  Gorthaur — “Abominable Horror”, see Sauron

  Great Armament — The Númenórean fleet that attempted to attack Valinor

  Great North Road — The road between Gondor and Arnor

  Great Smials — The mansions of the Took family of hobbits in Tuckborough of the Shire

  Greycloak — See Thingol

  Greyhame — See Gandalf

  Grey Havens — See Mithlond

  Guthmar — The Elder of Linhir

  Gwaith-i-Mírdain — “People of the Jewel-smiths”, the craft-Elves of Gondolin

  Gwathlo — River in western Eriador, called the Greyflood

  Hadhodrond — Sindarin name of Khazad-dûm

  Halfelven — The brothers Elros and Elrond, also called Peredhil

  Halgon — Isildur's scribe

  Harad — Land in the far south of Middle-earth, allies of Umbar

  Haradrim — The people of Harad

  Harithilien — “South Ithilien”, south of Minas Ithil

  Harlond — “South Beach”, the docks of Osgiliath

  Harondor — “Southern Land”, border region between Gondor and Harad

  Heleth — Wife of Barathor

  Herumor — “Dark Lord”, Emperor of Umbar

  Hithaiglir — “Line of Misty Peaks”, the Misty Mountains

  Hithimir — “Mist Jewel”, a captain of the White Fleet

  Hollin — See Eregion

  Ilúvatar — “The Father of All”, God, also called “The One”

  Imladris — “Deep-cut Valley”, Elrond's home east of Arnor, also called Rivendell

  Indis — One of the ships of Pelargir, named for the mother of Fingolfin and Finarfin

  Inglorion — See Gildor

  Ingold — Master of Calembel

  Iorlas — Sindarin Elf, esquire of Amroth

  Isembold — Father of Isengar

  Isengar — Thain's Scribe of the Shire, copied Halgon's manuscript

  Isildur — “Devoted to the Moon”, first son of Elendil, King of Gondor and The Realms in Exile, born 3289 SA in Andúnië, died 2 TA at Gladden

  Isildur, Stone of — “The Black Stone”, “The Stone of Erech”, a large round stone found in Númenor, brought to Pelargir by Isildur at the Downfall, and later set up at Erech

  Ithilien — “Moon Land”, eastern province of Gondor

  Karmach — Lord of the Eredrim who made an oath of allegiance with Isildur

  Kementári — “Queen of the Earth”, see Yavanna

  Khazad — The name the Dwarves call themselves

  Khazad-dûm — “Dwarf-mansions”, city of the Dwarves beneath the Misty Mountains, later called Moria

  Kiril — A river in Lamedon, also called Ciril

  Lamedon — Province in southern Gondor

  Langstrand — See Anfalas

  Lebennin — Province in southern Gondor

  Lefnui — River in southwestern Gondor

  lembas — “Way-bread”, Elvish bread for travelling

  Lhûn — A gulf and river in northwestern Eriador, also called Lune

  Limlight — A river running from Fangorn Forest to the Anduin

  Lindir — A lookout on Cirdan's ship

  Lindon — “Land of Song”, Gil-galad's Elvish kingdom in the northwest of Middle-earth, capital Mithlond

  Linfalas — “Coast Song”, Man of Arnor, one of survivors of Gladden

  Linhir — City in Lebennin

  Linroth — A captain of the White Fleet

  Lithui — “Ashy”, river in Anfalas

  Loeg Ningloron — “Pools of the Golden Waterflowers”, Elvish name for Gladden

  Lótesse — Eldarin month, roughly May

  Lothlórien — “Garden of the Blossom”, the Elvish kingdom of Celeborn and Galadriel, between the Misty Mountains and Anduin

  Lothron — “Flowering”, Eldarin month, roughly June

  Loëndë — Midsummer's Day

  Luindor — “Blue Land”, Captain of the Ships of Pelargir

  Lúthien — Daughter of Thingol and Melian, consort of Beren, called Tinúviel

  Maia — Singular of Maiar

  Maiar — The lesser Ainur

  Malithôr — “Golden Eagle”, ambassador from Umbar, agent of Mordor, called “The Mouth of Sauron”

  mallorn — Gold-leafed trees in Lothlórien

  Manwë — The chief of the Valar

  Melian — A ship of Pelargir, named for the Maia, Queen of Doriath, mother of Lúthien

  Melkor — “He who arises in might”, Vala who rebelled against Manwë, called Morgoth the Enemy

  Meneldil — “Devoted to the Heavens”, son of Anárion, King of Gondor

  Meneltarma — “Pillar of Heaven”, high mountain in Númenor

  Menelvagor — “Huntsman of the Heavens”, the constellation Orion

  Meriadoc — A hobbit, Master of Buckland, called Merry Brandybuck

  Мering — Stream between Anórien and Calenardhon

  Minas Anor — “Tower of the Setting Sun”, fortress city in Anórien, later called Minas Tirith

  Minas Ithil — “Tower of the Rising Moon”, fortress city in Ithilien, later called Minas Morgul

  Minas Tirith — “Tower of Guard”, see Minas Anor

  Mindolluin — “Towering Bluehead”, mountain beside Minas Anor

  Minhiriath — Western province of Arnor

  Mithlond — “Grey Havens”, capital of Lindon

  mithril — “Moon silver”, Elvish metal alloy

  MoonFire — See Narsil

  Morannon — �
�Black Gates”, gates of Mordor

  Mordor — “Black Land”, Sauron's realm in southeastern Middle-earth

  Morgai — “Black Fence”, eastern ridge of the Ephel Dúath

  Morgoth — “Enemy”, see Melkor

  Morthond — “Blackroot”, river in Lamedon rising in the caverns of Erech

  Namarië — “Farewell”, Elvish salutation

  Nanbrethil — “Valley of the Silver Birches”, a valley in the Pinnath Gelin

  Nanduhirion — Valley outside the eastern entrance to Khazad-dûm

  Nantasarion — One of the Drowned Lands of Beleriand

  Nargothrond — “Underground fortress on the river Narog”, founded by Finrod, destroyed by Glaurog, former home of Galadriel

  Narsil — “Moonflame”, Elendil's sword, made by Telchar of Nogrod, broken at Elendil's fall, later reforged for Aragorn and renamed Andúril, “Flame of the West”

  Narya — “Ring of Fire”, one of the Three Elf-Rings made by Celebrimbor, given to Cirdan, later to Mithrandir, was taken by him Over Sea at the end of the Third Age

  Nazgûl — See Ring-wraiths

  Nenuial — “Lake of Twilight” in Arnor, where Annúminas was built, called Evendim

  Nenya — “Ring of Water”, one of the Three Elf-Rings made by Celebrimbor, given to Galadriel, taken Over Sea at the end of the Third Age

  Nimloth — “White Blossom”, the White Tree of Númenor

  Nimrodel[1] — A stream running through Lothlórien to join the Gladden

  Nimrodel[2] — An Elf-woman of Lothlórien, lover of Amroth

  Nindalf — Marshes at the mouth of the Entwash where it joins Anduin

  Nogrod — “Hollow Dwelling”, a lost city of the Dwarves in the Ered Luin

  Noldor — “The Wise”, second house of the Elves, led by Finwë, called “Deep Elves”

  Noldorin — Of the Noldor

  Nórui — Westron month, roughly July

  Númenor — “Westernesse”, large island given to the Edain by the Valar at the end of the First Age, also the kingdom established there by the Dúnedain under Elros, destroyed by the Valar when the Ban of the Valar was broken by Ar-Adûnakhor; also called Elenna, Land of the Star, Akallabêth, Anadûnê

  Nûrrn — A southern region of Mordor

  Ohtar — A Uialedain man of the Emyn Arnen, esquire to Isildur

  Oiolossë — “Ever Snow-white”, the White Mountain in Valinor where Manwë and Varda reside

  Orcs — A bestial race bred by Melkor to be his slaves

  Orodruin — “Mount Redflame”, a volcano in central Mordor where Sauron forged the One Ring, later called Mount Doom

  Orth — Giant herdsman of Calembel

  Orthanc — “Forked Height”, tower in Angrenost

  Osgiliath — “Fortress of the Stars”, capital of Gondor

  Osgiliath, Council of — A meeting of Isildur and his allies on Midsummer's Day, 3441 SA

  Ost-in-Edhil — “Fortress of the Eldar”, capital of Eregion

  Palantír — Singular of palantíri

  Palantíri — “Those that Watch from Afar”, the seven Seeing Stones made by Fëanor and given to the Dúnedain

  Pelargir — “Garth of Royal Ships”, Númenórean haven in Anduin; Gondor's Gate of the South

  Pelargrim — The people of Pelargir

  Peredhil — “Half-Elven”, Elros and Elrond, the sons of Eärendil and Elwing

  Peregrin — Peregrin Took, a member of the Fellowship of the Ring, later 35th Thain of the Shire

  Pharazôn — See Ar-Pharazôn

  Pinnath Gelin — “Green Hills” region in southwestern Gondor

  Pippin — Diminutive of Peregrin Took

  Poros — River between Harithilien and Harad

  Quendi — “The Speakers”, the Elves

  Quenya — The language of the Elves

  Rath Gelin — “Green Street”, a street in Pelargir

  Rath Romen — “Road of the East”, the road running from the Morannon to Harad

  Rauros — “Roaring Spray”, great falls on Anduin north of Gondor

  Realms in Exile — Gondor and Arnor, the realms founded by Elendil and his sons after the downfall of Númenor

  Remmirath — “Netted Stars”, the constellation Pleiades

  Reunited Kingdom — Gondor and Arnor after they were reunited under Elessar Telcontar in 3441 TA

  Rhovanion — “Wilderland”, the region east of the Misty Mountains

  Rhûn — An inland sea and the surrounding region in eastern Middle-earth

  Ringlo — A river in Lebennin

  Ringlond — The port city at the mouth of Ringlo

  Ring-wraiths — The nine kings of Men to whom Sauron gave the Nine Rings, thus enslaving them; also called Úlairi, Nazgûl

  Rivendell — See Imladris

  Rohan — See Calenardhon

  Romach — Lord of the Eredrim

  Rómenna — Haven on the east coast of Númenor

  Sam — Diminutive of Samwise Gamgee

  Sammath Naur — “Chambers of Fire”, caves near the summit of Orodruin, where Sauron forged The One Ring

  Samwise Gamgee — Companion of Frodo Baggins, Ringbearer

  Sauron — “The Abhorred”, a Maia of Aulë, student of Melkor, Lord of Mordor

  Secondborn — See Atani

  Serni — A river in Lebennin

  Shadowfax — Gandalf's horse

  Shire, The — The land of the hobbits in central Eriador

  Silmarilli — “Great Jewels of Light”, a set of jewels made by Fëanor and stolen by Melkor

  Silmarillion — The story of the silmarilli jewels

  Sinda — Singular of Sindar

  Sindar — “Grey-Elves”, those Elves that remained in Middle-earth when the Noldor departed for Eldamar

  Sindarin — Relating to the Sindar or their language

  Sirannon — A river issuing from the west gate of Khazad-dûm

  Sirith — A river in Lebennin

  Sirlos — “Snowstream”, running down the valley of Minas Ithil

  Snowpoint — See Aeglos

  Snowstream — See Sirlos

  Speakers, the — See Quendi

  Starkindler — See Elbereth

  Straight Road — The path taken by the Elven ships when they leave the circles of the world and return to Eldamar

  Strider — See Aragorn

  Súrion — Guardian of the island of Cair Andros

  talan — Tree-dwelling of the Elves of Lothlórien

  Tar-Minastir — 11th king of Númenor, he aided Gil-galad against Sauron

  Tar-Palantír — “He who looks afar”, 23rd king of Númenor, he tried to heal the rift with the Faithful

  Tarlang's Neck — A narrow pass in the Ered Nimrais between Morthond and Lamedon

  Taur Galen — “Greenwood”, the Great Forest east of the Misty Mountains, later called Mirkwood

  Telchar — A Dwarf-smith of Nogrod, he made Angrist and Narsil

  Telcontar — “Strider”, the name of the dynasty founded by Aragorn

  Telemnar — 26th king of Gondor

  Telperion — The White Tree of Valinor

  Thain — The title of the lord of The Shire

  Thalion — “Steadfast, strong”, housecarl of Isildur, one of the survivors of Gladden

  Thangorodrim — “Mountains of Tyranny”, built by Morgoth around Angband

  Tharbad — “Crossway”, a town at the crossing of the Great North Road and the Gwathlo River

  Thardûn — Captain of the garrison at Angrenost

  Thingol — “Greycloak”, Elwë, King of Doriath

  Thinros — Captain of the garrison at Annúminas

  Thranduil — King of the Silvan Elves of Taur Galen

  Tinúviel — “Nightingale, daughter of the twilight”, see Lúthien

  Tirion — “Great Watchtower”, the city of the Elves in Aman

  Tolfalas — “Steepcoast Island”, an island in the Bay of Belfalas

; Took — A prominent family of hobbits in The Shire

  Tuckborough — A town in the Westfarthing in The Shire

  Twilight, Men of — See Uialedain

  Turgon — Leader of the survivors of Ethir Lefnui

  Udûn — A valley in northern Mordor

  Uialedain — “Men of the Twilight”, those Men that remained in Middle-earth when the Dúnedain went to Númenor

  Umbar — Port city and empire built by Númenórean royalists in the south of Middle-earth

  Umbardrim — The people of Umbar

  Urmach — One of the Elders of the Eredrim

  Vala — Singular of Valar

  Valandil — “Lover of the Valar”, fourth son of Isildur, born 3430 SA in Imladris, king of Arnor 2 TA to 249 TA

  Valar — The fourteen great Ainur that sang the world into being

  Valar, Ban of — A ban placed upon the Dúnedain of Númenor by the Valar forbidding them to sail west of Elenna and approach Aman

  Vali — Diminutive of Valandil

  Valinor — The land of the Valar in Aman

  vanella — A type of tree that grows in Gondor

  Varda — The queen of the Valar, she created the stars; also called Elbereth Gilthoniel “Star-queen Star-kindler”

  Vilya — “Ring of Air”, greatest of the Three Elf-Rings made by Celebrimbor, given to Gil-galad, borne by Elrond at Orodruin, taken Over Sea at the end of the Third Age

  Vorondomë — Wife of Isildur, daughter of the Captain of Ships of Ithilien

  waybread — See lembas

  Westbank — Open fields on the west bank of Anduin inside the walls of Osgiliath

  Westmarch — Western region of The Shire

  Westron — The common language of Middle-earth

  White Tree — See Nimloth

  Yavanna — “Giver of Fruits”, Vala, spouse of Aulë, she made the trees and fruit

  yén — “Long-year”, 144 years, or sun-rounds, in Elvish reckoning

  Isildur story — Even better than the real thing?

  from Mark Nelson

  Claims of making use of Tolkien's style are vastly overblown.

  I doubt very much the JRRT would use "irritated" to describe the growing anger/wrath/fury of the one of the mightiest heroes of the Dunadan. Remember, his was a geneology most high and puissant. Tolkien would never have humanized him to the point of actually conversing with that dirty little mountain king.

  Granted, it's a nice attempt at getting to the man behind the myth. But Tolkien never intended for such to happen. Consider the immensity of the curse he lays upon the king and his people. Isildur's was a power and personality matched by only one other Man, Elendil, and surpassed by only a few Eldar-folks like Galadriel and Gil-Galad.